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AU$1,000.00 Inc. GST

Exhibitor campaigns across Dowerin Machinery Field Days social platforms of Facebook and Instagram for 4 weeks leading up to the Field Days.

Artwork specs to be provided to Dowerin Machinery Field Days by 3 July. 


MREC - 300 x 250
Half Page - 300 x 600
File type: JPEG


Design recommendations - Still

File type: JPG or PNG Ratio: 1.1 to 1:1

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Text recommendations Primary text: 125 characters Headline: 27 characters

Description: 27 characters

Technical recommendations Maximum file size: 30 MB Minimum width: 600 pixels Minimum height: 600 pixels Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%


Design recommendations – Video/TVC (TV Commercial)

Portrait in 9:16 ratio

30 Seconds